Understanding US Trademark Registration
There are many laws in our country that help protect the intellectual property of businesses. In a capitalist market, it is important for innovators to have their ideas protected, if they are not this will lead to less innovation in the long run. A major reason behind the laws safe guarding people’s intellectual property is the assumption that people are motivated by self-interest, and will not work if they are not rewarded. Without innovation, the scarce resources that firms compete for in the economy will not be properly utilized. US Trademark Registration is one of the ways that the government protects the property of businesses that operate inside our borders.
Trademarks are used in business to claim exclusive property rights to products or services. This US Trademark Registration allows businesses with trademarked products to have legal recourse if another business is trying to profit from their products, unlawfully. In the United States, businesses can even benefit from common laws protecting unregistered trademark products. The common laws usually apply to a small geographical area, and businesses across the country may be using the unregistered trademark. A big reason that companies trademark their products in this country is because the trademark on their package guarantees the source of the product to the consumers.
You do not have to own a business to be eligible for US trademark registration. Many inventors will trademark their inventions before ever trying to sell them, this will ensure to the inventor that they will profit from their innovation. Many not-for-profits will trademark their different symbols and products, this ensures that they are only used for the charitable activities they were intended.
Both the consumers and the businesses producing the products they buy benefit from the use of trademarks. Business benefit from the legal protection of their intellectual property. There are two big ways that consumers benefit. Because trademarks assure an origin of product, consumers know that they are buying a quality product from a reputable source. It is very difficult to find a counterfeit product that is made with the same quality as a trademarked product. The biggest benefit to consumers is the legal liability a company assumes by selling a product they have trademarked. The trademark by definition is the origin of the product, if a faulty product makes it to market that causes harm, the consumers will be able to sue whomever produced it.
One of the ways the government attempts to ensure economic growth is through US trademark registration. Innovation is vital to our capitalist economy, without it businesses are doomed to fail. By protecting the intellectual property rights of the people that produce innovations, the government attempts to ensure that economic growth will continue.
More About The Author: David Littler is a family man and expert. He enjoys discussing trends, blogging, and spending time with his dog. Check out the following link for additional information: nyc trademark lawyer You can find more articles on the author’s site.